© Nina Kaluza

In 175 Tagen

August Horch Klassik

Auf einen Blick

135 classic cars and 30 motorcycles on the roads between Zwickau and the eastern Vogtland.

A particularly attractive excursion awaits the fans of the August Horch Klassik on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. On Sunday, July 17th, the motorcade sets off for the idyllic Vogtland for about 125 km.

So there is ample opportunity for onlookers to experience the vehicle veterans driving and standing up close. In addition to attractive destinations, such as the castles of Greiz and Schweinsburg and the Göltzschtal Bridge, the vehicles will also be an audience for August Horch’s first Saxon factory in Oberen Dunkelgasse in Reichenbach (1902 – 04).

Due to the high number of registrations, the starting field was even expanded from 125 to 165 (135 cars and 30 motorcycles). 60 pre-war vehicles – the oldest being a Wanderer 616 built in 1919 – provide impressions from around 100 years ago.

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August Horch Museum
Audistraße 7
08058 Zwickau - Pölbitz

Tel.: 0375 / 271738-12
Fax: 0375 / 271738-11
Webseite: www.horch-museum.de

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